

College 教师:
爵士乐艺术: Acoustic Bass, Small Ensemble

巴斯特·威廉姆斯是一位才华横溢的艺术家,他的演奏没有极限. 他玩过, recorded 和 collaborated with jazz giants such as Art Blakey, 贝蒂卡特, 卡门·麦克雷, 切特贝克, 奇客, 德克斯特戈登, 吉米·希斯, Branford Marsalis, Wynton Marsalis, 基因亚扪人, 桑尼施迪, 赫比·汉考克, 拉里Coryell, 李Konitz, McCoy Tyner, Illinois Jacquet, 南希·威尔逊, 艾文琼斯, 迈尔斯·戴维斯, the Jazz Crusaders, 罗恩·卡特, 伍迪肖, 莎拉·沃恩, 本尼Golson, Mary Lou Williams, 汉克•琼斯, 李摩根, 吉米•罗斯, 汉普顿霍斯, 雪松沃尔顿, Bobby Hutcherson, 比利·泰勒, 桑尼•罗林斯, 贝西, 埃罗尔-加纳, 肯尼·巴伦, 查理叫醒, Dakota Staton, 肯尼Dorham, 和 房地美哈伯德, 举几个例子.

Mr. Williams has recorded soundtracks for movies including Les Choix des Armes; McKenna’s Gold with Gregory Peck; David Lynch’s, Twin Peaks ”Fire Walk With Me”; Spike Lee’s Clockers, 和更多的. Television commercials include Coca-Cola, 旧香料, Tott’s Champagne, Prudential Insurance, 化学银行, 阿波狗粮, HBO, 和 Budweiser Beer. TV shows include an appearance on the Johnny Carson Tonight Show, with 埃罗尔-加纳; 和 the Jay Leno Tonight Show, 在那里他和布兰福德·马萨利斯今夜秀乐队表演了他的五首原创作品. Other television shows include Sesame Street, with Joe Williams; A&E (Arts 和 Entertainment), with Bill Cosby; The Joan Rivers Show, with Bill Cosby; The Andy Williams Show, with 南希·威尔逊; the Joey Bishop Show; the Grammy Awards, with 赫比·汉考克, 托尼 Williams 和 Bobby McFerrin; the Mike Douglas Show; the Today Show; etc.

Awards include a Grammy in 1979; the Min-On Art Award; the SGI Glory Award the SGI Cultural Award; the RVC Corporation RCA Best Seller Award; NEA recipient; New York Fellowship Grant; 5 Stars from Downbeat magazine for the album Crystal Reflections , listed in Who’s Who in Black America; 和 numerous proclamations.

Charles Anthony Williams, Jr. (nickname: 巴斯特) was born in Camden, New Jersey on April 17, 1942. 他的母亲格拉迪斯(Gladys)是一名裁缝,父亲老查尔斯·安东尼·威廉姆斯(Charles Anthony Williams)是一名女裁缝. (nick-name: Cholly), 一个贝斯手, worked various day jobs to support his five children, 和 at night played gigs to support his musical spirit. “He would prepare my lessons for me,巴斯特回忆道, ” 和 when I got home from school I was supposed to practice, then he would listen while he was eating his dinner. 这是一条不成文的法律,我必须玩好它,否则就会听到它. I was going to be the best. 我别无选择. 在那些日子里,我们不是一个两辆车的家庭,而是一个双低音家庭. 我父亲是斯拉姆·斯图尔特的粉丝,他用斯拉姆的方式弹奏贝斯. Instead of the regular G-D-AE, he strung a high C; i.e., C-G-D-A. 加上C弦可以使高音调的乐段在更舒适的位置上演奏. 他对我说,‘如果我给你重弦,你最好认真一点!'”

And 巴斯特 indeed was serious. 1959年,他开始与吉米·希思(吉米·希斯)合作,希思的四重奏包括钢琴演奏者山姆·多克里(Sam Dockery)和鼓手传奇人物Specs Wright. 我从吉米那里学到的关于音乐和生活的东西是如此宝贵,以至于那些经历的点点滴滴直到现在还在继续展现. It was like taking a Time release “capsule of knowledge.” At the age of age 17, he began playing with 基因亚扪人 和 桑尼施迪, just one month after graduating from Camden High School in 1960, 和他们一起呆了一年,直到乐队被困在堪萨斯城. 我父母告诉我要把回家的火车票藏在圣经里, which they had given me. 嗯,这里看起来很好,但我想我可能永远不会有问题. 错. When the problem did occur I was out on the road broke. 基因亚扪人 had run off with all the money 和 nobody got paid. 幸运的是, I, 与钢琴手和鼓手一起可以和阿尔·希伯勒一起工作一周, 和 thereby earn my train fare back home.

Back home in Camden, 巴斯特在费城的康姆斯音乐学院学习了作曲、和声和理论. Then came a gig in Wilmington, Delaware with the Gerald Price Trio. Dakota Staton heard the trio 和 hired them on the spot. In 1962, he moved on to work with singer 贝蒂卡特, 和 then 莎拉·沃恩, who took him on his first European tour. He was 20 years old, on the French Riviera, 并结识了对他未来有重要影响的音乐家——迈尔斯·戴维斯, 罗恩·卡特, 赫比·汉考克, 乔治·科尔曼, 和 托尼 Williams. 他的大, 深的, 从那时起,富有弹性和创造性的演奏使他成为整个爵士乐世界的贝斯手.

In 1964 he joined 南希·威尔逊, got married, 和 moved out to L.A. 他继续和南希一起工作,直到1968年10月他决定回到纽约. 关于 5 or 6 albums came from this relationship. During this time he also worked with 和 recorded 5 albums with the Jazz Crusaders; worked 和 recorded with 迈尔斯·戴维斯; played with Kenny Durham 和 was in dem和 as first call for recording studio; TV, 还有电影约会.

他一回到纽约就开始与阿特·布雷克利合作, 赫比曼, 赫比·汉考克 和 Mary Lou Williams. 这很好,直到演出开始冲突,巴斯特被迫选择. 他选择留在由赫比·汉考克组成的六人组, 巴斯特, 约翰尼·科尔斯, 石榴石布朗, 乔·亨德森, 和图图·希斯. 1969年至1972年间,这支乐队变成了最后的成员:本尼·莫平, 比利哈特, 艾迪·亨德森, 朱利安牧师, 和 Patrick Gleason on Moog synthesizer, 赫比, 和巴斯特.

In 1980, 他曾因专辑《火博体育》/ the Great Jazz Trio获得格莱美奖提名, with 汉克•琼斯 和 托尼 Williams. His arrangements 和 compositions have been recorded by Roy Ayers, 罗伊Hargrove, 布莱克艺术, 拉里Coryell, 房地美哈伯德, 巴克山, the Jazz Crusaders, Mary Lou Williams, 和 赫比·汉考克, 举几个例子.

除了专辑,他还录制了许多电视广告和电影原声. 巴斯特, 与罗恩·卡特一起担任伦敦交响乐团的独奏家,为菲利普·萨尔德为伊夫·蒙坦和西蒙娜·西格诺雷特的电影配乐, ” LES CHOIX DES ARMES.” “That film required quite a commute,巴斯特回忆道. “在接下来的六个月里,我至少每个月都要带着我的贝斯来回伦敦一次. They really got to know me at JFK 和 Heathrow.

Somewhere in the early’80’s, 巴斯特和赫比和托尼·威廉姆斯一起巡演,其中包括年轻人, 新鲜的, new on the scene trumpeter, Wynton Marsalis. 然后赫比组成了自己的三重奏,巴斯特和阿尔·福斯特打鼓. 在某些夏季巡回演出中,布兰福德·马萨利斯、迈克尔·布雷克或格雷格·奥斯比也加入了阵容. The trio 继续d working together until 1995. 也是在这个时期,有一个格莱美的出现,其中有一个由巴斯特组成的五重奏, 赫比, 托尼, 和 Bobby McFerrin. In 1989, 巴斯特 recorded an album of his compositions that featured Wayne Shorter; 赫比, Al, 和 a brilliant trumpeter named Shunzo Ono. This project entitled “Something More,,在IN+OUT厂牌上发行,并成为巴斯特组建自己的乐队的催化剂,他称之为“Something More”.”

1991年,他获得了国家艺术基金会的资助,创作并演奏了一部五重奏作品, string ensemble 和 vocal chorus. 同年,他还获得了纽约艺术基金会的奖学金.

在组建巴斯特·威廉姆斯五重奏“Something More”之前,他是世界著名的合作四重奏的成员, 球, which consisted of pianist 肯尼·巴伦; drummer Ben Riley; 巴斯特威廉姆斯; 和 the late tenor saxophonist Charles Rouse. Then came his work with ”The Timeless Allstars”, featuring 巴斯特; 雪松沃尔顿; Billy Higgins; Curtis Fuller; Harold L和; 和 Bobby Hutcherson.

“After working almost continuously for 30 years as a sideman,巴斯特说。, “I decided it was time to take the plunge, step up to the front, 播放我的音乐, 和 express my concept of a cohesive musical unit. 我曾在许多大师手下当过学徒,我觉得继承这一传承是我的荣幸,正是这一传承使这种音乐成为一种艺术形式如此丰富.

Since the inception of “Something More” in 1990, the group has had numerous tours of Europe including the first International Jazz Festival in Moscow; tour of Japan 和 Australia; countless engagements throughout the U.S. 和 a CD soon to be released.




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